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A complete guide to They Ask You Answer for HubSpot Agencies

A complete guide to They Ask You Answer for HubSpot Agencies with a focus on adding this exciting new offer to your revenue stream

Part 1 – A guide to They Ask You Answer for HubSpot Agencies

HubSpot and They Ask You Answer are natural partners. In fact, They Ask You Answer creator Marcus Sheridan owns one of the most successful HubSpot agencies in North America, and HubSpot was instrumental in creating the globally successful business framework, They Ask You Answer.

That said, there may still be some of you who still need to become familiar with it, so here’s a quick guide to They Ask You Answer.

Skip to Part 2 if you already know all this

How was TAYA created?

In 2008, Marcus Sheridan’s pool company was failing in the face of the worst recession in living memory – people were not only not buying swimming pools but also cancelling the orders they had placed.

Marcus was not a digital marketing specialist, but he realised the answer lay in the Internet. He began to research and use HubSpot’s marketing blog as one of his essential tools.

Marcus created content that was unlike anything available

He started to create content unlike anything on the internet –  it was honest, educational and unbiased.  Instead of having to call somebody up to understand the likely cost of their swimming pool installation, people could now find it on his company website, for example.

One blog that he wrote in the very early days called  ‘How Much Does A Fiberglass Swimming Pool Cost?’  has now gone on to generate over $30 million in sales.

They Ask You Answer Today

  • They Ask You Answer was published in 2016 and has helped thousands of businesses revolutionise their sales and marketing.
  • It now forms part of the core curriculum for the UK’s leading business coaching organisation, The Entrepreneur’s Circle, and for the global leader in business coaching, Action Coach.
  • Marcus Sheridan speaks at Hubspot’s Event ‘Inbound’ nearly every year and his agency, Impact, is a Hubspot Diamond Partner.
  • River Pools and Spas now have branches across the USA, making it one of the largest pool companies in the country.
  • The They Ask You Answer coaching programme has seen almost 100 businesses get certified and grow beyond what they thought possible – many adding $millions in revenue. You can see success stories here.

Part 2 – How can HubSpot agencies benefit from They Ask You Answer?

Until recently, it was only possible to get coaching to help you implement They Ask You Answer from Marcus’s own agency, Impact.

In 2021, they launched coaching certification training, and I’m happy to say I was in the very first cohort of coaches graduating in 2022 from a gruelling year of training.

You can see the list of official coaches on the Impact Website here.


How grateful would your HubSpot agency clients be if you helped them fully implement and see the incredible success that They Ask You Answer brings?

Optimising your client’s HubSpot set-up is essential, but making sure the leads that come in are of good quality and that there are plenty of them is a job that falls to that client’s content.

Smart Hubspot agencies are already following Impact and offering their clients They Ask You Answer coaching.

From Red Pandas in Melbourne to Struto in London, HubSpot agencies are seeing the benefits in terms of:

  • Client retention
  • Client success
  • Increased revenue


Which HubSpot agencies offer They Ask You Answer Coaching?

The awesome Red Pandas in Melbourne offer They Ask You Answer Coaching

Struto is a hugely successful HubSpot agency offering They Ask You Answer Coaching 

Impact is the HubSpot Agency that started it all

Common Mind are They Ask You Answer Certified just like we are here at The Ambitions Agency

Bernco Media is run by the wonderful ‘doc’ Darin Berntson


How can your HubSpot agency add They Ask You Answer Coaching?

The best way to add this exciting new service is to find an independent They Ask You Answer coach willing to coach your clients.

They Ask You Answer coaching training is highly rigorous and demanding. Even after the initial year of training, all certified coaches must attend a fortnightly session with Marcus and his team where coaching skills are reinforced, problems and challenges are resolved, and we all grow our skill set and ability to serve our clients.

The Impact website lists everyone who has met the standards required to be a Certified Coach.

Nobody on the Certified Coaches list will be a bad choice for your Hubspot Agency.


What does the 18-month programme look like?

For your clients, the program would likely be 18 months – unless they were in a particular hurry, in which case it can be done more quickly.


Quarterly Planning

Each quarter begins with a full team meeting, meaning that the business leadership, sales, marketing and subject matter experts are all involved in a very important scorecard and planning meeting.

Within each quarter, coaching goes where it is needed for both teams and individuals. For example, in one quarter, there may be a focus on teaching the sales team how to use video while simultaneously working with the content manager to ensure the written content is as good as possible.


Certification Success

The aim is to achieve a sufficient score in all the key areas of They Ask You Answer so that a full certification badge can be awarded.

They see their business doubled –  guaranteed.

Our complete programme contract states that we’ll double the size of your business within 18 months or work for free until it is.

My favourite benefit is the sales team’s mental health improvement – warmer leads mean better calls more sales and higher self-esteem.


How much does it cost your client?

The size of the team is the critical cost factor.

The main factor that influences the cost of They Ask You Answer coaching is the size of the business being coached: A smaller company will have fewer people needing coaching time, whereas a more significant business may have a large sales team and a marketing team, which will add up to a lot more coaching time.


What does your client pay?

A typical medium-sized business would pay £3,250 ex. VAT monthly to have around 5 – 7 people trained as their revenue team. A smaller company with perhaps just one or two people in training would invest considerably less, and a larger company with eight or more people in training would spend £4,350 ex. VAT per month for 18 months.


Could you double your revenue from EVERY client AND see increased loyalty with a straightforward addition to your service?

If you feel your agency could do both, then get in touch today. I’d welcome a discussion to see what may be possible.

Nick Burrage