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They Ask You Answer

Six Things to Look for When Comparing They Ask You Answer Coaching Alternatives

By January 16, 2024September 30th, 2024No Comments
compare they ask you answer alternatives

I feel your pain

You read the book, They Ask You Answer, and you’ve probably tried to implement it in your organization, and you’ve got stuck.

Well, let me tell you, you are far from alone. But don’t worry – there are a range of coaching services that will take you to complete success and all of the business benefits that go with it.

Nearly all of the great success stories that you can find on success stories page arrived in exactly this position.

They chose a coaching solution and found complete success.



First, let’s answer some basic questions about They Ask You Answer coaching alternatives.


Are all the They Ask You Answer coaching alternatives worth doing?

Yes. As long as the coach you are looking at appears on the Impact Plus coaching directory they will be an excellent coach and perfectly able to get you where you need to go.

Training with Marcus Sheridan and his team is extremely tough and takes almost a year to complete.  Furthermore, we all go through ongoing training every two weeks, which is also incredibly challenging.

It all adds up to assure you of excellence.


What are the options?

Your first decision point is whether or not to choose Marcus’s Agency to carry out your training or an independent coach.

With the choice made to use an independent coach, you should then read on to consider the various factors.


What will my organisation get out of it?

By completing a program with a certified coach, your organization will gain complete implementation of the They Ask You Answer and, upon a successful final test, will be awarded the They Ask You Answer badge.

Your organization would likely see sales at least double you’ll see a new alignment between your marketing and sales operations. You’ll have a system for marketing the business that will bring a great sense of comfort to you as an owner or marketing leader.


1. They Ask You Answer coaching alternatives – location factors

It may be important to you that your coach can come to your business physically, and certainly, from my personal experience, the initial workshop which sets up the whole process is far more effective when delivered in person.

Given that we have certified coaches across Europe, obviously in the USA and now in Australia too I do hope that if you’re reading this there’s an option close to home for you.

As a UK-based coach, I have successfully worked with clients in the USA, and I have also told potential clients in New Zealand and Australia that they would be much better working with a local coach because flying out to deliver the initial workshop would be quite the trip and having me coach you at 3 am my time would probably not be a great experience for either of us!


2. They Ask You Answer coaching alternatives – related skills

Your organisation may have a closely related issue that it would be nice to see included in your programme.

Some examples:


Quite often, coaches will be part of a larger business or have experience that might closely relate to a challenge you are having.

For example, my agency has very strong experience in building websites and doing digital marketing, but we do not consider ourselves a specialist Hubspot agency.


We often work for clients where the website is seen as a problem that is holding them back from success.


3. They Ask You to Answer coaching alternatives – chemistry


Chemistry is important because you’ve got to get along with your coach.

This doesn’t mean you’re going to end up being great mates or anything like that.

Coaches have been trained to be professional coaches, and that means that their number one goal is not to be your friend (I’m not even sure it’s in their top 10, to be honest!)

The number one goal is to be that objective, dispassionate challenger who can drive your organization to do unbelievable things. Sometimes, it means being very direct.

Here I would look for someone who you feel communicates well and asks tough but useful questions.


4. They Ask You Answer coaching alternatives – cost

The cost of coaching is probably not going to be the most important factor, but there’s no doubt it will be there on the list.

One very large UK organization has just hired Marcus and his team to coach them and indeed went to the expense of flying Marcus in for their initial workshop.

Whilst I and all the other coaches deliver the same workshop, I can absolutely assure you that having Marcus deliver your opening workshop will be quite the experience for your team, and so if you can afford it, then I would certainly recommend it.

( Marcus’s day rate is $30,000)

For me, it’s very important that we price in a way that helps everyone get to success. Whatever your scale of business, it is ALWAYS worth getting in. touch if you want to achieve full They Ask You Answer implementation and the success that comes with it.

I will work with your budget (And no, you large-scale businesses can pay the full rate!)


5. They Ask You Answer coaching alternatives – specialist areas


Some coaches have specialist industries or sectors.

Choosing a coach who works with your type of company may be a consideration. I do not believe it should be a strong one, however.

Having trained with many of the Impact Coaches, such as Moby, Oscar and Hannah, I would trust any one of them with my business, whatever the sector.

If I have a specialism, I’d point to manufacturing. I’ve worked a lot with manufacturing and Engineering in my previous career roles as part of Ford’s marketing team and as a director at Samsung in the UK so I feel right at home in the sector.

I’ve also done a lot of work for professional services such as designers, accountants, and coaches. This is another area I feel comfortable with.


6. They Ask You Answer coaching alternatives – walking the walk

Have a look at your coach’s website. Is he or she producing the kind of content you like and ticking all the basic TAYA boxes?

Producing great TAYA content is not easy ( if it was, everyone would be doing it). You want someone who has faced this, near impossible challenge and surmounted it.


Let’s talk They Ask You Answer today.

Speaking to people about TAYA is the best bit of my day and I’d love to hear where you are and where you want to go. Each story is unique, just as your organisation and goals are unique.



Jump across to our ‘Contact page’


Request a Buyers’ Guide and an initial discovery call.


And you’re off to a great start in your They Ask You Answer implementation success story. You’ll be on Marcus’s website as a success story before you know it!