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How smaller companies unlock incredible success with They Ask You Answer coaching AND content support in 2024.

Now is your chance to harness the power of the world’s greatest content framework by combining it with our expert support.

Read on to find out how you could benefit.

We know that success in 2024 and beyond will be defined to a large extent by the power of your content programme but If you are in the early stages of growth or simply don’t have a team around you, the demands of producing enough content and following all the other aspects of They Ask You Answer would have been impossible…until now.

What does the They Ask You Answer Coaching and Content Support Programme consist of?


1. A They Ask You Answer Guide with you at every step.

After years of working with Marcus Sheridan and his team, as well as working on our marketing and that of our clients, I have seen just about every issue and solved it. I will work one-on-one with you and your team as it grows.

2. A team of content experts to amplify your content.

Once you have created your base article and video, the team will take over. We do the hours of work that follow to allow you to continue working on your business. You will have peace of mind that we are uploading it correctly to all the platforms, noting the requirements of each and the demands of Google and other algorithms.

What is the outcome?

You will produce at least 1000 pieces of content each year. It will not be AI drivel but highly targeted and carefully considered content that aligns with your strategy and delivers on your business goals.

First, we build the foundations of long-term They Ask You Answer success.

  • The website is checked, optimised and ready
  • Social Platforms all set-up correctly and linked to website
  • Video recording method is ready to go, on-site at client
  • Client has supplied 15 personal photos
  • Client has membership of Impact Plus
  • Client has a robust time management plan in place

Then we work week by week:

You will be guided to produce one powerful article and one video each week.

The team will then take this and multiply it into 15 – 25 pieces of engaging, high yield content each week. That’s well over 1000 a year!

Where the content flows, the audience grows.

Areas where you will see your audiences grow beyond what you dreamed possible:

  • YouTube (& YouTube shorts)
  • LinkedIn posts
  • LinkedIn Newsletter
  • Email Newsletter
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • TikTok
  • Pinterest
  • X
  • Google Business Profile

They Ask You Answer Coaching and Content Support Part 1

They Ask You Answer Coaching


You can learn more about how They Ask You Answer coaching works here.  Work will be based on a weekly 90-minute face-to-face session, but if we need to meet more often, we will.

We understand that our clients are busy running their businesses, and so the coaching sessions are all designed to take the guesswork out of ‘what shall I do next?’ or ‘Is this right?’.

These sessions will divide their time between coaching and craft.  In the craft sessions, the clients will learn to use various tools such as Metricool, and in the coaching session, we will focus on the ten core fundamentals of They Ask You Answer. These include:

  • Assignment Selling
  • The Big Five
  • Martech, AI and CRMs
  • The Selling Seven Videos.


They will also clear out of the way any obstacles that are preventing you from developing your ability to lead a powerful marketing programme effectively.

A typical challenge is creating an article in a reasonable time and having it be engaging and informative. In other cases, it may simply be a lack of awareness about an available tool or solution. Feedback and accountability are, of course, key areas for your coach to focus on.


They Ask You Answer Coaching and Content Support Part 2:


Done-for-you content production and upload.

This is where the team takes over to turbocharge your content and flow it out to your target audiences.

Client & Coach: Create one powerful, engaging article each week.


As a  They Ask You Answer client, you will be familiar with the kind of articles you need to write and be fully supported in choosing titles for your articles. Coaching will also cover feedback on writing copy for the internet and writing effectively for They Ask You Answer.


In the early days, your coach will support you in structuring and drafting articles, but as time passes, you will feel more confident to move to a first draft on your own.

Client: Grab attention and bring warmth and authenticity – record a long-form video.


Recording a long-form video to support your articles is essential to your They Ask You Answer journey. As with your article creation, your coaching sessions fully support your ideas, scripting and presentation. We’ll also guide the initial set-up of the recording technology.

A long-form video is filmed in landscape view and may be anything from a couple of minutes to 10 or more if needed.

From here, our team takes over completely.

Agency: Critical blog improvements to avoid disasters

Here, the agency copywriters would take your draft article and craft it to optimise it for both human readers and search engines. Adding the magic of power words and impactful subheadings ( at least until you have mastered these skills!)

Client: review changes


Agency: Create a captivating thumbnail image

Creating a thumbnail for your video and probably for your article is essential to gain maximum traction on YouTube and within your learning centre.


Agency: Optimise your long-form video for maximum impact

He will take your raw recorded long-form video and optimise it for viewers, including adding background music, adjusting speed, eye contact and, of course, adding captions.


Agency: Upload long-form video with search-optimised text.

Here, we upload your long-form YouTube video with all the appropriate search optimisation in place.

Agency: Upload all assets and SEO Optimise

We upload the article and run all the appropriate SEO software. There may be final tweaks to optimise the text fully. The client should check all articles once they are live.

Agency: Create short videos

We will edit your long-form video to provide several shorter videos at this stage. Here, we aim for some short (60-second or less) films to go on YouTube shorts and other lengths for Instagram, etc.

Remember that LinkedIn is a great place to share videos – it is encouraged by the platform, and yet very few do so.

Below are just 4 of the shorts we created from one longer video, which are now live on our YouTube channel.

Agency: Create written / graphic social posts

Here, we are looking for new angles on the published content whereby we can tease them on various social media platforms and drive more traffic.


What could consistency and compound impact mean for your business?

Neil Patel’s organisation measured 100 million websites to assess the impact of consistent content publishing. Here’s what happened:

???? Traffic increased 11.4% within the first 6 months

???? Another 9.58% traffic bump in months 6-12

???? Year 2 saw a 49.4% boost over Year 1

???? Year 3 was up 30.7% over Year 2

???? Year 4 grew another 13.5%

Summary: Client’s weekly activity


Attend They Ask You Answer Coaching Session

  • Write one article to first draft
  • Record one video
  • Check uploaded article
  • Approve long and short-form videos
  • Discuss Social media posts and approve


Get in touch with us today to get your They Ask You Answer coaching AND done-for-you content programme started.