Find your ideal website design agency: 9 powerful questions

website design agency

Getting stuck with the wrong website design agency is a disaster. Here are nine revealing questions you can ask about the website as part of that process.

Q: Will my website design agency design my website for mobile or desktop?

Comments: This is a trick question because, of course, your website needs to work on a million different platforms, from the smallest mobile phone to the largest screen desktop.

You simply want to be assured that your ideal website design agency will strongly consider mobile, likely to make up most of your viewers, and they have a solid understanding that a website must respond across numerous platforms. Make sure they will test it on an extensive range of current platforms, i.e. Samsung, Apple and other phones, various browsers, tablets, desktops, etc.

Be a good client: Very often, clients push for a particular design on the website that works on the specific screen they are viewing.  They need to remember that most people using their website will be on a mobile phone.  Don’t get fixed on one design that works well on your particular screen.

Question: Does my website design agency understand user experience?

Comment: There is no right or wrong answer here, but you must understand that somebody on the team is concerned and focused on your site visitors’ experience.

Your ideal website design agency should aim for your site visitors to have a natural and intuitive journey from landing on your site to finding the information they need or taking the action you want them to take.

Google’s algorithms examine how users interact with a site. This includes page navigation, site layout, accessibility, and bounce rate.

Question: Will my website design agency create the images I need?

Comment: An often-forgotten part of a successful website creation process is the production of original, relevant and powerful imagery.  Some illustrations and graphic elements will likely be needed.  You want reassurance that they will support and guide this process, although it is highly likely that photography will not be included with the website.

Question: What platform will the website design agency use? – e.g. Wix, WordPress, Joomla etc.

Comment: The choice of technology for your website is vital. Forty per cent of websites online today are built using WordPress.  This means that all the popular browsers are used to and tested against it.  It also means finding someone to work on your website is straightforward. For a small to medium-sized business, a robust case can be made for it.

However, there are many other platforms available, and it may be, for example,  that Shopify is ideal for you if you want to do e-commerce. ( although Shopify can be a slow site unless well maintained). There’s no right or wrong answer here, but your ideal website design agency will help you make the right choice.

Question: Will the website design agency make sure my website will pass Google’s Core Web Vitals Test?

Comment: It is ever more vital for your future commercial success that your website is one that Google wants to share.  Passing all four aspects of Google’s test is essential to the build and must be guaranteed.

Question:  What accessibility standards will the website design agency  build our website to?

Comment: The website should be designed so all users, including those with disabilities, can access and use it. This can include alt text for images, video captions, and keyboard navigation. There is a government standard called WCAG 2.1, which your site may need to pass. Equally, you can add an app such as, which reads the site out, among other features.

Question:  How will my website design agency support us in writing the content for our website?

Comment: Writing for a website is a specific skill and should not be taken lightly. You should gain a clear understanding of whether or not they have a professional writer or whether you will need to employ one. The ideal website design agency will not simply copy your old site or take your words without specialist intervention.

Question:   Will site users get helpful feedback if there is an error on my website?

Comment: We are looking for forms to tell people what information they’ve got wrong rather than just sitting there and not submitting.  Any user interactions should always have solid feedback to the user saying ‘yes, that was successful’, or ‘no’ it wasn’t and here’s why not.

Question:   Will my ideal website design agency have a hosting solution and backup plan?

Comment: Here, we want to understand where your website will be hosted and what features and benefits it brings. This is an excellent point to discuss vital security measures such as site backups. Your ideal website design agency should have clear guidance and an in-house option should you wish to use it.

My team at The Ambitions Agency can answer all of these questions thoroughly and many more.

Our process starts with a fascinating look at your digital footprint and gives you a chance to fully understand how we work and all the other essential things, such as how much your site will cost.

Speak to us today>

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